It’s not about a religion, it’s a relationship
The most important thing anyone could do in this life is to enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of mankind and was attested as the Son of God with many signs, wonders, miracles, and ultimately His own resurrection from the dead. Now, anyone who comes to God through Jesus Christ can enjoy perfect fellowship with God as Father. Romans 5:8 says that Jesus was a demonstration of God’s intense love for humanity.
If you have never received God’s love gift to you then pray the following prayer from your heart:
I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for my sins. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and secured my salvation. I now confess with my mouth Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior. I thank you God that I am now your very own child and You are my very own Father. Thank you Lord Jesus for redeeming me. Thank you that now I’m saved.
If you just prayed this prayer please contact me so I can send you some free literature about your new life in Christ and a list of some good Bible based churches in your area. You have just made the greatest decision in your life and the best is yet to come!